Saturday, January 5, 2013

Nancy or Not? That is the question.

No, I am not really Aunt Nancy.  I decided to call this blog Aunt Nancy's Blog because my mother calls me Aunt Nancy when I start making homemade soap and cheese and ... the list goes on. Well, there really was an Aunt Nancy and my mother remembers her from her youth, but she has been gone long before I was even born.  However, it is the essence of an Aunt Nancy that I need to evoke to help my family meet its needs. 

This past fall Hurricane Sandy put my family into a bind when it struck.  And although the flood waters did not rise into our home ( five feet above the ground)  it did flood my parent's home next door, our shed, and took out our 11 year old car.  The car which I was happily going to use till it gave its last gasp since it was paid in full and the insurance and gas were relatively cheap.  This in turn has caused my family to make many changes and to do a lot of hard work to repair the damage. 

One thing my husband, two children, and I did not need was to have to take on another vehicle payment, increased car insurance for full coverage on the new (very nice but used) truck, or the extra money it requires for my husband to drive in the truck to work.   Needless to say, our budget has been stretched very thin and we need to Aunt Nancy our way into making things work.  So yes, I will make my own laundry detergent.  I will sell some of my hand crafted items.  AND somehow I will feed this family for $250 per month.  Come on Aunt Nancy!

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