Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Chickens have Finally Started Laying!

Here are our 7 chickens.  In the top middle of the picture you can see an egg that has been layed today.  We seem to be getting 1 egg each day.  What is up with that?

The first time we had chickens, years back, the babies started laying eggs when they were only 19 weeks old.  So of course we assumed this time things would happen about the same. Wrong!  The chickens are 44 weeks old.  all of them except M&M who is the one on the bottom right.  She is from the first flock and is about 5 years old.

I have been very concerned about this.  Yes, we have enjoyed raising chicks.  Yes, we like watching the chickens.  BUT, where are the eggs?  I researched and came up with a plethora of reasons.  Here they are -
  1. If a chicken would normally begin egg production during a time of year that is not conducive to egg laying they will often wait till the next spring to begin.  (This was us.)
  2. Lack of water can cause chickens not to lay.  (We have a hanging waterer that hold 3 gallons of water.)
  3. Lack of food or right type.  (We provide layer crumbles in the continuous hanger feeder.  They eat a lot.)
  4. Lack of space in the coop.  (I don't think this is our problem as when we had the original flock their were 13 chickens using the coop.)
  5. Stress.  (We do have a four year old son, a go kart, cats, and a dog.  Could this be a problem?)
  6. Worms.  (I saw at the feed store wormer for chickens.  I never wormed our old crew, but maybe this group could use a dose.)
One thing I do know is that they need to start laying more and soon!  They are eating me broke and not giving eggs in return.  Our current food costs $15 for a 50 pound bag.  They go through 2 bags per month.  Wow, I could buy 7 cartons of eggs at the store for this.  Current egg count this week is 7eggs.  Please lay, chickens, please.

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