Saturday, April 20, 2013

Norovirus Blahs

I have been sick with the Norovirus since Thursday.  A trip to the ER, 2 bags of IV to combat the dehydration, some pain and nausea medication, and I returned home.  I don't think I have experienced that much pain ever, not even the C-sections I had with my children could compare.  This afternoon my head has begun to clear.  But now, my daughter is sick!  The doctor at the ER said it would probably take the whole family out before the weekend was done.  I am hoping not!  I looked up recommendations on the internet to help ease this burden of crappy symptoms.  Here is what I found -

1.  Drink, drink, drink (water, gatorade, pedialyte, etc.)
2.  Take a pain reliever such as acetominophren for aches.
3.  Drink a warm cup of peppermint tea to help ease the nausea.
4.  When you begin to feel hunger again, foods that are easy on the digestive system such as apples, bananas, crackers, and in my house -homemade chicken noodle soup.  My husband makes the best!
5.  Spray areas the infected person has touched with Lysol.

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