Saturday, February 2, 2013

How to clean the microwave

At some point this week we had a major attack of gunk in the microwave.  It might have been partially from the exploding cheese.  I don't know.  All I do know is that today I opened the door to make some tea and said, "Gross!"  So today was the day I decided to clean the microwave.

I am all for using natural methods to clean when they work.  However, sometimes they don't.  Here is one of those times when natural didn't work and chemical store bought did!  I tried boiling water with vinegar in the microwave which was supposed to soften the build-up and allow me to wipe it clean.  Afraid not!  As you can see in the bottom left picture, that did not happen.

So, out came the Easy Off and the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.  And less than a minute later the microwave was serviceable yet again.

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