Saturday, March 23, 2013

HELP! My Garden has been Eaten

I wrung my hands as the snow and hail fell covering my lettuce, broccoli, and collards.  However, when I checked them the next morning they were still green.  They lay flat on the ground but they were not broken.  I kept my fingers crossed.   The next morning was good news!  My lettuce was nice and perky once more.

BUT then the next morning (Thursday) came!  I spotted something wrong right away.  The ground was brown with not a sign of green anywhere.  I rushed over thinking that the cold snow had done them in after all.  I expected to see that the plants had turned brown and died.  Oh no, they had not.  When I arrived at the garden, there were only a few stalks left and it was clear that someone or someones had enjoyed a nice tender meal of my garden. 

Was it the deer who travel through my yard?  Or was it the neighbor's geese?  One thing was clear - my precious garden had been eaten and not by me!

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